Monday, February 2, 2009

the shocking economy

Well, the economy has finally hit Michael and I. No, not in our jobs (we still have them- thankfully). No, not in our spending (we still buy everything with cash). It's hit us in our laundry room. 

A few weeks ago at Costco, we decided to make a purchase. The item was significantly less than the other items around it and we thought we should be extra wise with our finances because of the economy, so we did it and we bought non-brand dryer sheets. 

Now that might not sound so bad, but the week after I used them, I was shocking everything I touched- people, Hester, the house, the car, things at the office. I could visually see the static electricity transferring from me to others things. Sometimes, like when I go to switch the light on, the electricity goes to the little nail below the switch before I even make contact. 

The following week I started using 3 dryer sheets per load. I'm up to 5 per load now and although I still get electrocuted every time I go to flip the light switch, it's seem like that is the only thing that I am currently shocking. 

We do about 3 loads of laundry a week. I have 500 non-name brand dryer sheets. It's going to take me 166 weeks or 3.2 years to use all of the dryer sheets. Crap. I just shocked something else. 


Katie said...

So this may sound crazy, but when you have kids you can't use dryer sheets with their cloths, so I have stopped using them all together. I actually notice less static now than when used them!

Katie said...

Yes, I'm Diane Sextons sister.