Sunday, February 22, 2009

we had a great sale

We really had a fantastic weekend with our sale. We were constantly busy. At one point we had a line 20 people thick and it was just Michael and I working the transactions. The line was big at that time because Michael and I were each working with customers who were buying over 50 movies each!! A couple people bought 100 movies, but most people bought about 10-25. 

We are so grateful for many things this weekend. We really feel blessed. It didn't rain until 2:00 pm on Sunday which is when we were closing, which was huge! We had printed signed and put them on the cars and didn't want the ink to run in the rain and we had so many people, the line was outside the garage and so all of the people plus all the movies they were buying would have gotten wet. Also, we didn't have any wind these two days which was a another huge blessing!! Each movie had a slip in it with a barcode. We had to take out the slips and scan them, so at any given time there were dozens of slips all across our table, which is why we praise God that there was no wind!

After all was said and done, we sold over 1,000 DVD's and we made over $2,500!! It was a huge weekend for us and we are very grateful for the many blessing we found in it. Thank you for all who stopped by and bought and chatted. 


Unknown said...

Thanks for helping with the sale. You were great!! I love you!

Nathan and Melissa said...

Thanks for all the great movies! Nate and I look forward to many great movie nights.