Friday, January 30, 2009

dang it

Last night around 4:00 am I somehow moved in bed and woke up to a popping sound in the back of my neck, on the right side. I was in so much pain, I woke up Michael who then helped me to the bathroom. I couldn't move my neck or hold my head up and I seemed to be making it worse whenever I moved my right arm, so I was pretty much a mess.

Seriously, am I this old?

 A few hours later it was time to go to work and I wanted to go but knew I couldn't drive in my state so I stayed in bed. I called Lucas and he suggested I go to urgent care. So later Dave took me to urgent care. I had a muscle spasm in my neck so big the doctor could see it and all the muscles on my right side were pulling on it when I moved. Anyway, I am to ice it for 2 days and then heat it tomorrow night. Right now I feel OK because they gave me muscle relaxer drugs and vicodin. So I should feel really good in about 20 minutes. I can't believe this happened.

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