Sunday, March 15, 2009


Michael and I just went to see rise of the lycons, the new underworld movie with Nate and Melissa. I loved it! I love seeing more of a story that I am already following. I fell in love with underworld a few years ago and now we have both of the ones already out on dvd. I really enjoyed seeing the new one and hearing more of the story. Michael and I were talking about why I like it so much on the way home because I normally hate horror/gore type movies. The story line in all three movies leave me with a sense of hope; that somehow in this world, there's a chance and hope for love no matter what evil we come across or have within us, kind of like no matter what great of evil we see around us, love will always be better than that evil and it always available to us. And it has some pretty kick ass action scenes in it. I like those too.

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