Sunday, December 21, 2008

we got it!!!!

We got six inches exactly and then it stopped snowing. I am so excited about it. I love being home bound and just hanging out with a good excuse for not going out. Our house is covered in the snow. We're just hanging out today, keeping warm and trying to figure out what to do for the work day tomorrow. 

Here's the house. We took this picture without the flash. Also, we took it at 10:30 pm, so I don't know why the sky looks so bright. Maybe the snow is reflecting or something?

Here's the house with snow in front of it. We took this picture with a flash. This picture was taken at the same time- 10:30 pm, it shows it a lot darker which is more accurate. 

Here's me and my ruler. Michael didn't think we would get 6 inches, so I had to go measure and see if that was what we really ended up getting!! It was! We couldn't believe it. 

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