Monday, November 17, 2008

blessed weekend

When I look back at this weekend, I can only think of one word- blessed! Michael and I had been talking for months about this weekend. He had a Saturday work party up at the mountain (on Snoqualmie Pass) and then he trained a chair evac on Sunday. There was also the are ski patrol party on Saturday evening. A big weekend for Michael but I didn’t know if I wanted to go up to the mountain with so much to do at home and not much to do there.

A while ago Michael and I made a decision to do everything that we could together. We grocery shop together, we clean together, we both go the pass when Michael patrols, etc. This past weekend it took some managing to make it come together, but in the end we are very glad that it did and we were both glad that I made it up with him.

On Friday night we grabbed a quick dinner and then drove to Mercer Island where Michael’s parent’s live. We watched two episodes of the Unit that Mike’s dad had recorded for us and hit the bed. Saturday morning Michael woke up early and headed to the mountain. I stayed in bed, slowly got up and then met Kyle and Jenny for lunch in Seattle (it was fun that we were all there for different reasons this weekend). We walked thru Pike Place Market. It was wonderful to be with them. Then I drove up to the mountain and Michael and I went to the ski patrol party. Ski patrollers are fun people. We watched the new reality tv series on ski patrol at Crystal and laughed at how un-real it was. Sunday morning we got up (we had slept overnight at the mountain) and Michael went to train and learn and I hand wrote our Christmas cards. They’re done. YEA!!!!

Both on the way up and on the way down from the pass (it takes about 7 hours round trip) Michael and I had great conversations. We talked about everything the entire ride. It is such a blessing to have a companion, I would recommend marriage to anyone. I love it. The only bummer was that I lost my Tiffany’s bracelet this weekend.

Anyway, our weekend was very blessed with each other and new fun memories and energy to make it thru the new season of continually driving between Vancouver and Snoqualmie Pass. I feel very blessed to have Michael in my life.

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