Thursday, February 28, 2008

one big happy family

Tomorrow my mom and my brother move in with Michael and I. Her house closes and she moves out for the final time. It's the house I was brought home to from the hospital, so she's been in it for a while. It's good that she moves though. Her and my brother Kyle are going to stay in our extra bedrooms. And my mom will use my office as her home office for her work.

In about 2 weeks they'll move across the street. My mom bought the house that is across and down two from us. It's three bedroom and I am looking forward to having her and my brother so close. Family is such a good thing.

This weekend I am going to a quilt expo with Michael's mom and sister. I am looking forward to it. I will miss Michael terribly though because he'll be training other patrollers on the mountain and I will be apart from him for 2 days. I don't like that.

I am really excited for my mom's new move. I can't wait for her to move into her new house!

1 comment: said...

I wish I lived up the street from my family! Congrats on your mom's new house:)