Friday, January 18, 2008

This Diet/ Food Thing

I usually want to loose weight but the problem with that is that I love food. I love to eat all the time and then I usually feel terrible after I have a huge meal or when my jeans start to feel tight. It's this constant battle that for me goes a lot deeper than simply just food. It can get emotional. So I have started to read this diet book. It's the one the Oprah likes called "Your Best Life Diet". It talks about how emotional eating is and how a lot of diets don't work because the person on the diet doesn't ever get to the emotional part figured out. It lists 3 questions for a person to answer at the end that I have listed below. The author really pushes its readers to not give shallow answers but to really dig deeper into what is going on with our need for (comfort or pleasure) food and our strong desire to loose extra weight. Here's those questions:

1. Why are you overweight? 2. Why do you want to loose weight? 3. Why have you not been able to keep weight off in the past?

My answers to these questions have been very insightful to me.

1 comment:

Carrie Peeples said...

Just for the record, I don't think you need to loose weight. But I appreciate what you have discovered through this book. I had a blast last night!! Looking forward to the 31st!!