Monday, January 14, 2008


I am a little new to the blogging world and am still working out what I want my (our) blog to be about. As I read other peoples blogs, I see that a lot of people just write about the details of their lives and/or some sort of deep thought. So, tonight I am going to give you both.

Life in the Details.
Michael and I love to be together. We were just married in September and we love to do everything together. Here are some details of the different things that we do together.

We shop together. This past weekend we shopped at the Goodwill and the Salvation Army. We found some great things- different decorations for our house and I found an old quite that someone actually gave to the goodwill. I bought it and love it. It is a hawaiian print and really fun.

We eat together. Michael and I make every effort to have dinner together every night (rarely missing) and every meal on the weekend. it's been a great time for us to catch up and just talk about our days and our thoughts and what we are doing and feeling.

We clean the house together. Michael knows that I don't like to vacuum so he does it every week!! He's great. While he does that I do all the laundry and clean the rest of the house.

We do a Bible study together. We're studying the Foundations of Faith and the basics right now. One of my favorite recent conversations was when we talked about the Holy Spirit and how he is God and yet he is his own being and how he is this major resource for us and we often forget about him and how ridiculous that is. It was a great talk.

We go to the mountain (5.5 hours one way) on some weekends. We drive up to the mountain and we hang out at the ski lodge, Michael skis (I attempt) and then we head home together. The drive has given us great talking time.

Deep Thoughts:
I have been thinking about how I want to be happy when I have children. I can only imagine how hard it is to be a parent but I want to be happy when I become one. I look around and wonder how I will make ends meet when I am a parent (how will we afford everything?) and how I will teach my kids about Jesus and yet let them know that they will have to decide for themselves what they really think about him. I just know that I want to be happy when I have child. Happy enough with each child that I would be willing to have another one if that happens.

That's my life and my deep thoughts. Have a great night.


Carrie Peeples said...

I hate vacuuming too!! Mark always graciously does it for me while I clean other things he doesn't enjoy. Marriage is the best!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Kyle vacuums for me if I tell him I need to do it, because surprisingly he likes to do it... Works great for me because I don't like to do it!
Thanks for sharing your life, Stacey.