Monday, January 7, 2008

a patrol wife

I skied this weekend!!! I know that is not a big deal to most of the general public but it's big for me. I have tried the sport before and never much liked it, so when the option became available last Sunday, I decided to try it and it was OK. Michael is on ski patrol so he is an amazing skier but I am really awkward at it. I tried it and just fell a lot. I am not that sore and I actually am looking forward to it again in 2 weeks. Maybe someday I'll be able to ski down a hill without constantly thinking that somehow I am going to get hurt- or worse- hurt someone else, which is doubly bad when your a patrol wife.

1 comment:

Carrie Peeples said...

Love the new blog look and pictures and congrats on skiing!! We should go up with you sometime. You and I can fumble down the mountain together ;)