Monday, January 18, 2010

I heard from Michael!!

Michael just called me (around 3:30 pm). It was really great to hear his voice. He was calling from a satellite phone and mentioned his cell phone doesn't work in Haiti. He didn't sound too tired, but said he was exhausted. He has been doing triage all day long for the 3 orthopedic surgeons. He is working with veteran natural disaster responders and is learning a lot. (I didn't know what triage was before I married Michael, it' a french word for sorting, which means he has been deciding who gets to go to surgery and who has to wait.) The phone line was cut off and I haven't heard back from him, but I know that the satellite phones haven't been working perfectly so it doesn't make me worry. I'm sure other team members needed to call their families as well. It's 7:30 pm at night there and he said that they would not be working in the dark, that they were all going back to the guesthouse to get some sleep and to be ready for a full day tomorrow.

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