Friday, July 24, 2009


Jaguar has been wild her whole life. She was born to wild cats (as wild as outdoor cats living in Suburban Beaverton can get) in the tree area by my parents old house somewhere around 1988. All of the other kittens in the same litter as Jaguar were sold immediately but our neighbors kept Jaggy. They liked her, but Jaguar had other plans. For 6 months, Jaguar kept showing up at our doorstep and hanging around our house. Finally, my mom called our neighbor and they said we could keep her.

Jaguar seemed to know all along that she would end up with us and made herself at home right away. She stayed outside all day and most nights, but came inside the house whenever she wanted. I have memories of Jaguar with middle school friends, high school friends, college friends and after college associates. (This is starting to sound like a eulogy but she hasn’t died, I just didn’t have anything else to blog about.)

Now Jaggy lives with Michael, me and Hester. She loves Michael and sits between him and the key board everyday all day long. She gets to go out in the backyard whenever she wants and a few days ago we found a dead headless snake. I don’t know what she did with the head, I just hope it’s not in our house somewhere. I think Jaguar is about 21/22 years old and she looks great. She’s healthy, chases Hester around and loves catnip. (And I’ll try to come up with more creative things to blog about… We just haven’t been doing much but hanging out and there’s only so many blogs I can do about my garden.) We LOVE you Jaggy!

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