Tuesday, June 23, 2009

quick garden update

Things are growing! It is much better than last summer, even though there is so much I will do differently next year. Here is my cantaloupe. It has a few flowers, but nothing growing on them yet. I have watermelon too but no flowers on the watermelon. I also have pumpkin that I bought by accident (I thought it was honey-melon darn it). It's growing and we should have our own pumpkins by Fall.  

Here are my raspberries. They are delicious, although I don't have a lot of them. The strawberries aren't doing as well. I think they might be a lost cause. 

And then there is my tomato plant that is taking over my yard. The plants are 4-5 feet high and I have about 40 tomato's growing. That includes my mini sweet tomato's too. Last year my plants never got bigger than a foot, so I'm feeling pretty good about my tomato plants this year. I also have onions, peppers, and cucumbers. I would have taken pics of them but the camera died. I'll try to get more pics later of those. Maybe when I actually get the fruit... 

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