Sunday, August 31, 2008

The bunk bed blessing

I moved into my husband's office. I've been using my computer upstairs and doing all the paper work stuff up there in an extra bedroom, but this weekend we moved me downstairs. He built me a work area and it's directly over the heater- perfect for me. We now both work and do the family paper work in a shared space. I love it. I can hear the clicking of the keyboard behind me when he types. It's fun, I love sharing the office with him. 

Since I cleaned out one of the extra bedrooms upstairs (by moving my office stuff) I had been thinking about what I was going to do with that room. I've been waiting to move almost all summer, so I've been thinking during that time that I want to put some bunk beds in there but we were in no hurry to get them. I kept my ears open and if we found a good deal, we were going to get them. I was cleaning out my bosses storage unit and found three beautiful bunk beds from his old house. He told me to get rid of them and I offered to buy them at which he gave them to me. So, next week we'll have 4 sets of bunk beds for our house (we already had one set)!! Can you believe it? I feel that God heard this request and just blasted us with a larger answer than we dreamed. I am totally stoked to have both of our extra bedrooms have 2 sets of bunk beds that can sleep 8, and with the guest room bed, that gives us 10 beds besides our own.  


Unknown said...

I love having you share this office with me!!

fishylady said...

8 beds seems like a lot for 2 people? Are you planning on having a big family? Starting a bed and breakfast? Having the family reunion at your house next summer? I guess the reasons for all the beds is limitless. Inquiring minds in GA want to know.

Mike and Stace said...

I want a big family but it scares the crap out of me. I keep thinking about it and how much I do want that and then I think of some reason that I just can't have a big family. The latest reason was that I didn't have enough beds, but now I can sleep about 10 kids (besides Michael and I) so that's no longer a reason. Now that that fear has been resolved, I am scared about having a lot of kids in public education and being able to keep up with all of that (I mean, what are my other options???), but I picked up a book called "Going Public" about a family with 8 children who thrived in the public school system and all have a strong sense of faith. So, that fear is crumbling now too. So yes, the short, the answer is that I want as many kids as God brings into our lives, wether that be thru biological, adoption or foster care or any other way.