Saturday, June 14, 2008

St. John's

We have a huge hole in the ceiling of our roof of our garage at St. John's. Huge. It was rotting so Michael pulled it back a little and then realized that a lot of it had to come down, so he is taking it down right now. It's probably about 10 feet by 20 feet wide. I think Michael is going to come home really dirty. Tomorrow we go to Home Depot to buy new wood for the roof and put it up. I always say that I want to build my own house, so this is just showing me what that is really like. I still want to build my own house although I am really grateful that we don't live at St. John's. I love our nice, pretty house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hole fixed!! It is a blessing that we have such a nice house to live in! And it is fun that we have a 'practice' house to work on to see if we really want to consider building our own house someday...