Saturday, February 12, 2011

time for a change?

Michael and I have been wanting to have a family website for a while now. But a few events over the past few days have pushed us to need to have one. First, I lost 20,000 photos on my macbook. I have an external backup and the photos are on Michael's computer, so they are not totally lost, but I have to now reload them and organize them, something that I thought would be a simple connection of my external hard drive and that has not been the case. I use my macbook to upload our blog and since my photos are in such disarray, my photo time has been spent reorganizing that before I load any new photos to my macbook and hence to our blog! Second, we purchase our site name and now that we are paying for it, I'm super motivated to start using it. It's going to be a LONG time coming, so I'll try to get my photo's together to make a few more publications on this site, but right now that is why I'm stalled with blog entries.

Anyway! We'll probably try to have some sort of launching for our new site, but unofficially, here it is:

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