Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Should the private life of a public figure determine the status of their public service?

I have been watching CNN all day and have seen a lot of the Spitzer scandal. For anyone who hasn't been able to read the headlines, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has admitted paying a prostitute $4,300 for one hour in a hotel in Washington DC. Since he is from New York, it is a federal case.

He was a strong Governor who attempted to clean up the city if New York. A list of his orders can be found at: http://www.ny.gov/governor/executive_orders/index.html

It's a shame. I have thought all day about how the Biblical King David screwed up with several woman and yet God calls him his servant and exalts him (David) very high (Ezekial 34:23). Should there be forgiveness for Spitzer? Yes. Is he still capable of doing great things? Yes. Have I lost respect and trust in him? Yes. I've been thinking about what to do in this situation. I think he will resign or be impeached, but he was doing such good things. Should his personal life be the major factor in his ability to govern when none of our personal lives are perfect?

These are just my thoughts for today. I guess my questions too.

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