Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Old Friends

I've been catching up with old friends. It fun and with things like myspace, people find you from all walks of life. Here's two old friends that I have loved getting to know again.

Jodi Davis. This picture is from Mexico '95. We had gone down with our church to work on a second story of a building in Obregon Mexico. I think this picture is from the back of the 15 passenger van that we were driving down it. We were 17. O- that was sooo fun. I loved those trips. Jodi and I had lunch today. We both work in Portland and I saw a picture of her in a magazine at work and got her email. She is getting married next summer and doing great.

Rhiannon Anderson (now Gullickson). Rhiannon and were in dance together and did several duets. This particular picture is from a dance we did to 'O, Yea' - remember the chick, chickachicka? It was in awesome movies like the secret of my success and ferris bueller. Rhiannon and I spent most of our years when we were between the ages of 9-13 beating super mario brothers and reciting lines from beetle juice. Now Rhiannon has 3 kids of he own! They awesome kids and she is a great mom. Her and I had dinner a couple of weeks ago and talked about everything. 

I love getting together with friends I had when I was younger. It seems really important. Talking about things that you both remember and remembering new things is great. I've so enjoyed hanging out with these girls and becoming new friends with them again. 

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