Monday, June 1, 2009

latest quilt

I LOVE to quilt! I finished my latest one and I think it is my absolute favorite. It didn't photograph very well so your going to have to use a little imagination, but here it is. For those of you who don't quilt, here's quick lesson. 

This is stippling.  There's no start or end to it, just a large quilted curvy circle. I used the light thread on this dark color so so it stands out more. Also, this color was the only bold color on the fabric and I needed to calm it down a bit. 

Here is my star. I got almost all of my points perfect on this quilt. They look good! This doesn't usually happen, so it's kind of a small miracle that it happened. 

More stippling...

Here is the full quilt. It's a lap quilt for Sarah Dougherty. She is the Valedictorian at Centennial High School and this is her graduation gift. CONGRATULATIONS Sarah!!!!! You rock. 

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