Tuesday, February 10, 2009

email drama

I have this old email address that I love, the staciavontastic one. I've been thinking about how much I'd rather use that email address instead of the michaelandstaceygraves one. I have lots of reasons but I think basically I want my name to be at the front for people to know that when they email that email address, it comes to me. I'd also like for the email address of michaelandstaceygraves address to both micheal and i. So for things like church and sign ups and stuff, we can list our married email address and both see the emails and then for all my personal emails it would just go to me.

You'd think this would be easy but first I need to let everyone know about the change which is rather easy. People are pretty good these days with changing email addresses and most of my friends already know the old address, but then there's this blog. This blog is linked to my michaelandstaceygraves email address and won't let me change it meaning that i have to be signed in at that account to access this blog. I'm trying to have my main account be the stacaivontastic account but to log in and out of sign ins for different email verses blog is dumb. So, i have yet figured out what I am going to do. I'll keep you posted. 


Jenni Clayville said...

why don't you just have them both shoot to your mailbox? then you can give out both.

do you have a mac or pc? you can have as many email addresses forwarding to outlook or entourage or mail as you want.

Carrie Peeples said...

I think with your blog you can add contributing email addresses. So you could add your personal address as someone okay to contribute to the blog so you don't have to log out/in. I'm not sure how to do it though.